Why Your Tree Is Dying

I love trees!  They are the foundation of any landscape.  Sadly, according to the International Society of Arboriculture, the average life of a tree in the landscape is seven years, and according to Michael Kuhns, arborist, author, and University Professor at Utah State University, this problem is caused by improper planting and/or selecting the wrong tree for your landscape. 

BYU Tree TourThe Brigham Young University horticulture program, along with the tree crew members of the grounds staff have put together a tree tour for all interested to see mature specimens of 114 species of common and uncommon trees for your Outdoor Living Spaces in Utah.  Click here to see the digital information on the tree tour and make plans to go and see the wonderful trees–and the spectacular grounds–of BYU.

Seeing the trees and browsing the information available online will help you to select the proper trees for your Outdoor Living Space.  Also, there is a video available showing how to properly plant a tree.  This tree tour and the website can help you to have trees that will last for generations instead of only for seven years.

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